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Books and other printed (or printable) materials are (mostly) uniquely identified using an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) value.
Finding the ISBN

An ISBN is a 10-digit value (with one exception) that is usually printed quite legibly on the back of the book. If you don't see it there, find the page inside that lists the publication data for the book -- the publisher, the copyright date, etc. You'll find the ISBN listed there as well.

For example, the ISBN for my second book, Java 2 Micro Edition: Professional Developer's Guide, is 0-471-39065-8. The Japanese edition of the same book (translated by a different publisher) is 4-8443-1536-6.

The one exception to the 10-digit rule is that some some ISBNs end with the letter X instead of a digit from 0 to 9. This is because the check digit of a 10-digit ISBN is calculated using modulus 11 arithmetic and the letter X represents the decimal value "10".

For more information on the ISBN format, see the site of the International ISBN Agency.

Note that GoPriceIt automatically strips any spaces or hyphens separating the digits of an ISBN.

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Copyright ©2003 Eric Giguère