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Palm Database Programming — The Electronic Version

Chapter 4: Writing Palm Applications

This material was published in 1999. See the free Palm OS Programming online course I developed for CodeWarriorU for some updated material.

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Before you can start building your own applications, it's important that you understand what an application is and how it gets started by the operating system.

What's an Application?

As mentioned in Chapter 2, an application is in fact a resource database. The resources in the database contain the compiled code, the initial values of global variables, and any user interface your application requires. Your development tool creates these resources for you. To launch the application, the system opens the database, jumps to a fixed address, and runs the compiled code.

Type and Creator ID

To identify a resource database as an application, Palm OS uses the database type "appl." Don't use this type for any database you create; it's reserved exclusively for applications.

Every application requires a unique creator ID. The creator ID identifies the application to the device. It also links all databases used by an application together as part of the HotSync process. To prevent conflicts, creator IDs are registered with Palm Computing. Registration can be done in a matter of minutes through the Palm Computing Web site at www.palm.com/devzone/crid/cridsub.html. Palm Computing reserves creator IDs that consist entirely of lowercase letters for its own use, so choose an ID th at contains at least one uppercase letter or one nonalphabetic character. The creator ID is often the initials or an abbreviation of the developer's or company's name. In your planning for a new application, be sure to register a creator ID early on.

On the CD-ROM you'll find the source and executable for the Creator ID Viewer sample, which lists the creator IDs of all applications installed on your Palm device.

Why Register a Creator ID?

No two applications can have the same creator ID, because the two will conflict and overwrite each other when installed. That's why it's important to register your creator IDs with Palm Computing, since it guarantees uniqueness.

For testing purposes you can get away with reusing a creator ID or else using an unregistered ID. Use the sample Creator ID Viewer application to list all the creator IDs on the device and make sure your test programs don't conflict with an application you've already installed. But as soon as you start developing a "real" application that you plan to give or sell to others, you should register a creator ID for it.

All creator IDs used in this book have been registered.

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Copyright ©1999 by Eric Giguere. All rights reserved. From Palm Database Programming: The Complete Developer's Guide. Reprinted here with permission from the publisher. Please see the copyright and disclaimer notices for more details.

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This page was last modified on January 21, 2004
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