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EricGiguere.com > About This Site > Copyrights for EricGiguere.com
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Unless otherwise stated, all material on this site is the property of Eric Giguere. You may not use or reproduce such material without Eric's express permission.

The User Group Exception

User groups and similar not-for-profit associations have Eric's permission to reprint some of the writings on this site in their paper or electronic newsletters. The writings covered by this blanket permission are identified by a note at the end of each individual text. For all other writings, or if you're in doubt about any of this, please contact me using the link at the bottom of this page.

Note that reprint permissions are granted subject to the following conditions:

  1. You will not alter the text in any way, except for minor formatting changes.
  2. You will print the appropriate copyright message along with the text.
  3. You will include a link back to this site in your newsletter.
  4. You tell me about the reprinting.

Thank you for your co-operation!

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Copyright ©2003-2012 Eric Giguere | Send mail about this page | About this site | Privacy policy
Site design and programming by Eric Giguere | Hosting by KGB Internet Solutions
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Other sites: The Unofficial AdSense Blog | Google Suggest Explorer | Invisible Fence Guide | Synclastic
This page was last modified on September 30, 2003
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1-by-1 black pixel for creating lines